Crystal ball
Psychic Game

A guessing game where the user must guess what letter the computer is "thinking" of!

Question mark
Code Quiz

A timed, multiple choice quiz to test your coding knowledge. Give it a shot!

Workday Planner

A daily planner application to help you schedule your work day! Save your events to keep track.

Weather icon
Weather Dashboard

A web application where you can search for a city and retrieve current/future conditions.

netflix-and-chilies netflix-and-chilies
Netflix and Chilies

A web application to search meal delivery options and streaming movies to accompany them.

html-screenshot html-screenshot
Team Profile Generator

A Node CLI app to build a team profile HTML file based on user input of employee information.

Note screenshot Note screenshot2
Note Taker

An Express.js application that lets the user write, save, and delete notes.

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Beyond Vacation

A full-stack application for posting and reserving rentals for outdoor vacations!

Friends Directory

A simple React.js application to filter and sort cards about characters from Friends.


A centralized hub for social movement organizations to share information with their local community, and for the general public to easily obtain this information.